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Configuring a channel - Google Shopping

There is perhaps no easier channel to configure than Google Product Search.


Google is happy to "come and fetch" your data and therefore there are no FTP or other destination details to be set.


Setting up DotFeed for a Google Channel

  1. Log in to your DotFeed account.
  2. Click on the Manage for the Google Shopping channel and select Configuration.

  3. Copy and paste the entire Feed Endpoint file path and place it in a text file for reference later, when you are submitting your feed (see this page ) .

  4. If the Store Endpoint and Access Key fields are empty, follow the directions in the image below;

    • Store Endpoint (required)
      This field must contain your domain name in the format https://www.mystorename.com/DotFeed.aspx, or https://store.mydomain.net/DotFeed.aspx .
      The point here is that you must include "https://" and you must end with the extension "/DotFeed.aspx" (not case sensitive).
    • Access Key (required)
      This should match the value you put in the DotFeed.AccessKey AppConfig on your site while installing the DotFeed Connector - since you are installing an additional channel, you should be copying the Access Key from a previously installed channel.
    • Nickname (optional)
      This will help you identify your store/channel as you invest in a growing number of DotFeed Channels. Use any range of alphanumeric characters, including spaces.

  5. Once you have entered your values, click the Save Configuration and then the Validate Endpoint button. You should see confirmation that Validation was successful.

Please see details of Submitting to Google Shopping for more details.

See also