Once inside your Merchant Account Dashboard, click onProducts then Feedsand select the + (ADD DATA FEED).
Select yourfeed Mode, Type (Products), Target Countryand then name your feed and Continue.
NOTE: It's a good idea to name your feed after the store you're feeding from, maybe you have other stores that will feed or you'll add on in the future.
TEST vs. Standard - You might like to create a feed in Test mode first, to be sure that you've minimized Errors and Warning. This can help keep your merchant account in good standings with Google.
Select Automatic upload (scheduled fetch) and Continue.
Now toCreate a Schedulefor your new feed. NOTE: This is also when you'll need the Feed Endpoint that you copied from your DotFeed Configuration tab.
Click Save and you've complete the creation of your data feed.
Configuring Shipping and Tax in Google
You will need to configure your shipping and tax rates in your Google Merchant Account to match those you have set up in your storefront. Be aware of these limitations:
Under Settings; There will be an option for Tax this should be configured to match your in-store policies
Also under Settings; Shipping will need to be configured, again to match that of your store.
Linking AdWords and Google Merchant to Set Up Your Product Listing Ads
Step 1: Request to link Merchant Center to AdWords
1. In your Merchant Center account, click Settings and then click AdWords.
2. Enter the AdWords customer ID of the account you want to link. You can find the customer ID at the top of any AdWords page when you're signed in, near your email address.
3. Click Add.
Each channel has specific requirements that determine how your product data has to be formatted. While DotFeed does most of the work for you, it's important to know what the specifications are so you can know which storefront values you might want to override and which DotFeed rules you need to set up. You can accessGoogle Product Specificationshere or through your Google Merchant account.